
The Hayden Howl

By the Huskies for the Huskies

March Break Activity Ideas!

Not going somewhere warm for the March Break? Wasted your time in your room over the Winter Break? Well, the Writing Club has come to help you with this brief list of things to do over the March Break!

  • Go bike riding
  • Go hiking
  • Go to the zoo
  • Help your parents with gardening
  • Clean out the garage
  • Have a spring photoshoot
  • Take younger siblings to a program that’s running at the library
  • Get better at your favorite sport or take up a new one
  • Write a short story (or a post for the Hayden Howl!)
  • Make a 1 minute movie
  • Still looking for things to do? Might as well get a head’s start on spring cleaning! Or go check out our post “Holiday Break Activity Ideas!” for more inspiration.

The Masquerade Ball: Halton’s 3rd Annual LGBTQ2+ Pride Dance

“It was the best time ever.”

“An amazing event.”

“The best dance.”

Reading such glowing praise, it’s hard not to feel excited about Halton’s 3rd Annual LGBTQ2+ Pride Dance. This year’s dance will take place on Thursday, March 24th from 7-10 at Craig Kielburger Secondary School. The dance is a Masquerade Ball (so don’t forget your mask!) and features food and drinks, a photobooth, awards, door prizes, a relax room, beauty bar – and a special guest.

Hayden students at last year’s dance!

You can purchase tickets through Hayden’s GSA club (and GSA clubs throughout HDSB schools) or through Halton’s Positive Space Network by emailing If you want to stay connected or get more information about the dance, you can check out the Facebook Page or tweet with #HaltonPrideDance2016. So that’s logistical information – but what makes this dance such an amazing experience for the students who attend?

One of the many reasons the Halton Pride Dance is so great is because it is an inclusive and safe space. It is an opportunity for members of the LGBTQ2+ community and allies to come together and hang out, relax, and of course, dance!

One student has a head start on this year’s theme of a Masquerade Ball! For more photos from last year’s dance, follow this link.

There’s also the fact that the dance is being organized by Positive Space clubs across the board, meaning it is student driven. Speaking about last year’s Pride Dance, which was held here at Hayden, HDSB Superintendent of Education Yaw Obeng said, “This is certainly an example of a promising future when our students are the leaders for social justice and social change.”

Above all, this dance is a positive place to express who you are, meet new friends, and be part of an uplifting atmosphere. After attending the dance last year, one student remarked that they had “never felt more like” their true self, and another commented that “you could legitimately feel the love in the room.” If those quotes don’t convince you that this is a wonderful event, I don’t know what will. With tickets costing only $10, there’s no reason not to buy a ticket, buy (or make!) a mask, and head on over to Craig Kielburger on March 24th for a night to remember.

Dear Graduating Students

Before coming to high school, I was told that the four years would go by so quickly that if I blinked I would miss them. I don’t know about the rest of you grade 12s, but I think that is a pretty accurate summary of my time in high school. The past four years have flown by – and they’re almost over, which is enthralling and terrifying all at once.

We’re only a few weeks into second semester – our eighth, and final semester of high school – but the next few months are going to fly by. Before we know it we’ll be in long black gowns walking across our stage to receive our diploma. And then what will we do? It’s a question most of us have been asked repeatedly over the years. Postsecondary offers are starting to go out; we’re beginning to see our futures unfold. Again, it’s both enthralling and terrifying.

To graduating students, I want to say this: celebrate the acceptances you receive. Get excited about your future. But don’t forget to make the most of the time you have left in high school. After all, it’s fleeting. You don’t want to have any regrets when you look back on this time in your life.


Do something you’ve always wanted to do, and give yourself the freedom to fail. Try joining a club or council (I hear Student Council meetings are pretty fun… and I’m definitely not biased). Or, try out for a team when spring sports roll around. Even if you’ve never been part of a school team before, it’s not too late to don a jersey; and there’s no harm in at least trying! You could also try contributing to the school community by taking pictures to submit to the yearbook, writing articles for The Hayden Howl, or even starting a brand new club.

At this point in your high school experience, you’ve met lots of people. There still might be some graduating students who you don’t know, though. Smile at people you don’t usually talk to in the hallways, or start a conversation with the person in the cafeteria line with you (you can compare your favourite type of wraps – or, if all else fails, reminisce about the old caf cookies). You might not be thinking about this now, but when you graduate you’re likely going to miss people who you wouldn’t think you’d miss. You don’t want to be the person at grad who sees someone and is like “wait, they go to my school?!”, so get to know your fellow graduates.


Co-curriculars and friends are two ways to make the most of your final months at Hayden. There’s also academics, of course. If you’ve already solidified your post-secondary plans, you may feel yourself dozing off in your classes. Finish strong: you won’t regret it when you look at your midterm and final marks, or when you get a guaranteed scholarship to university because of your marks. Oh, and don’t forget to show your teachers some appreciation. They’ve done a lot for us in our three years at Hayden, and they’re pretty awesome.

No matter how eager you are to go, just ensure you look back at your time in high school and have no regrets. If it helps, imagine yourself walking across the stage to accept your diploma. What memories do you want to have? What do you want your high school experience to be like? If you can’t see yourself achieving what you want to achieve, take some steps to make your experience what you want it to be. Otherwise, you’ll blink and miss it.

Why Do We Have Exams?

Written by Danielle Izzard

Throughout my 3 and a half years of attending high school, at both Nelson and currently Hayden, I have heard this question multiple times. I have asked myself repeatedly, I have witnessed others asking themselves, and even recently, I heard a teacher ask the begging question: Why do we have exams?


Exams, in my opinion, are the epitome of stress. As someone who does stress over a lot of things, exams are just another thing to add to the list. I found myself in advanced functions last month, about to have a heart attack, when my teacher suggested that we study a total of 25 hours in preparation for the final exam. Not only was I unable to fathom studying math for 25 hours, I had other subjects to study for: data management, challenge and change, and French. And on top of all of that, I still had performance tasks to complete.

Generally, an exam is worth 10-20% of your final grade, which means if you fail or do poorly, your mark could substantially decline. This was a fear of mine, waiting on the decisions of the universities I applied to. The entire month leading up to exams I wasn’t myself. I was stressed, anxious, and extremely nervous. These were the marks that were being submitted to universities, these were the marks that could decide my future. I had never felt such extensive pressure.

I spent hours memorizing, going through review, separating myself from family and friends and facing the solidarity of my silent room. When exams eventually arrived, although I had studied for hours, I was still hesitant about them.

Many, if not all of, my friends have experienced the same feeling. As a result, we all believe that exams are unnecessary. There are ways around it. Most exams, in my opinion, test your memorization, but not your understanding and/or application. I can’t tell you how many definitions I have crammed into my mind, to recite word for word, but not know what any of it means. That is not learning.

I don’t know much about the mechanics of an exam; how teachers decide how much it weighs, the questions, the material, the length. But I know from personal experience, my own feelings, and others of my peers, how exams make us feel. And for me, the only way I can summarize the way an exam makes me feel is dumb.

This isn’t the case with all exams, though. I feel this when I study for hours, only to write it feeling unconfident, despite paying attention in class, despite exceeding on all of the assignments, and despite preparing for it. I feel this way especially when it is returned to me on the dreaded exam review day, and I see my awful mark.

That’s why my question persists: why do we have exams? I can imagine ways around it, ways to test your understanding, to assure you learned something throughout the course, without cramming all of the material into an overloaded brain the night before a two hour exam.

In advanced functions this year, my teacher had a plan to eliminate unit tests as much as possible. He came up with interviews and media making assignments as a way to grade our knowledge and application of the subject. This benefits a lot of students who learn in a creative or hands on way; it’s much easier to explain what you’re thinking verbally with your teacher instead of writing it down in a one centimetre box.

Exams can be the factor that decides which university or college a student goes to, or even if they go to a post-secondary school. Exams cause extreme stress, not only on students, but on teachers as well. They only have a few days to mark all of our exams, and they have to do it thoroughly otherwise students will complain.

I just believe that, especially at Hayden, there are other ways of testing our knowledge. Hayden values and incorporates all styles of learning, but exams only include one.

If we really want students to succeed, we should stop dumping an immense load of pressure on them, start testing them with something interesting, and something that all students can succeed in.


Holiday Break Activity Ideas!

Looking for something to do over the Holiday break? Look no further! Hayden’s Writing Club has compiled a list of fun things to do!

  • Walk around Lakeshore and check out the beautiful light festival!
  • Make hot chocolate (with whipped cream and marshmallows, obviously) and binge watch Netflix (try Jessica Jones!)
  • Have a marathon of the older Star Wars movies before you head out to watch the new one!
  • Go to bulk barn to gather ingredients for trail mix; then go on a hike on the Bruce Trail!
  • Check out the new Phantom of the Opera play!
  • Have a board game night with friends: or make a quiz on the Quiz Your Friends website and see how well your friends know you!
  • If you have Wii Fit, put on the Lord of the Rings soundtrack and have a sword fight!
  • Make a list of tv shows and movies from your childhood and have a nostalgia marathon!
  • Go on the Volunteer Halton website and find a Holiday volunteer opportunity!
  • Try a jigsaw puzzle with your friends – or put one out on your table, and have each guest who visits your house try to help solve it!
  • Choose on YouTuber and watch all of their videos!
  • Go to Toronto and wander around Kensington Market, or check out new exhibits at the ROM!
  • Go to Spencer Smith Park to see the fireworks on New Years Eve!
  • And, if all else fails… get an early start on studying for exams. Your January self will thank you!

Hayden Grads: How Will You Be Remembered?

There are many things that can seem difficult about graduating high school, and choosing your grad quote shouldn’t be one of them. That being said, many students are indecisive about their quotes. There are a lot of viral yearbook quotes floating around the Internet that increase the pressure of having a “perfect” yearbook quote.

If you’re struggling to find your graduation quote, read on for some tips and tricks from members of Hayden’s Writing Club. Use this form to submit your quote. They’re due no later than December 1st.

When picking your graduation quote…

Do be authentic and be yourself. You want people reading your quote to recognize that it sounds like something you would say.

As per usual, Drake nails it. Source

Don’t be provocative for provocations sake, and don’t make your quote something you wouldn’t want to be accountable for.

Do use appropriate language so that you don’t regret your quote in ten or twenty years.

Don’t let this be you. Source

Don’t forget to give credit where it is due. If you are quoting someone (a real life person, a television character, an author), include their name!

Do be memorable. Let your quote reflect the legacy you want to leave behind.

You may not be Beyoncé, but your life still means something. Source

Don’t feel pressure to be funny. If you can make people laugh, that’s great – but if you can’t seem to find a humorous quote, try settling for making people smile. There are so many other things your quote can be, besides funny: try being inspiring, thought-provoking, or positive.

Do look for inspiration in your passions. Your favourite books, movies, and tv shows offer tons of great one liners and quotes – not to mention all of the potential quotes in song lyrics!

When in doubt, look to Harry Potter for inspiration. Source

Don’t be cliche. Even if you truly believe that people should shoot for the moon because if they miss they’ll land in the stars, some quotes are overused and don’t reflect an individual’s true personality.

Do show how much you’ve grown since you entered high school. If you regret your grade 8 graduation quote, this is your opportunity to turn things around.


Don’t feel like you can only submit a quote. You can also submit sayings, expressions, or your dreams for the future.

Do use the Internet to look for inspiration. You can find great examples of what to do (and in some cases, what not to do).

Yes, Gregory, that is generally how it works. Source


So what are you waiting for? Submit your quote here. How will you be remembered?




Going to the Dogs!


My First Bark Break by Janna Abdelaziz

On Thursday, June 18th,  I saw a dog and I didn’t run away screaming! I even pet it. I am usually really scared of dogs because mostly… they can bite me and they nearly always chase me.

My first encounter ever with a dog was a horrible one. The dog started barking at me and running after me. It was terrifying! I didn’t know what to do, so I started running, screaming and crying. If the dog was a small one maybe I would have not have reacted this way however, this one was huge! Although I admit I was not that comfortable with dogs even before that incident, from that moment forward my fear resurfaced every time I saw or heard another dog.


However, that all changed when on Thursday my friend convinced me to go see the St. John’s therapy dogs in the Hayden Library! In the beginning I was not convinced I wanted to be there.  In fact,  I was really scared because there were too many dogs in one place for me.


With great hesitation, I entered the library and approached the dogs. The first dog I saw was Bella, a golden retriever.  She became the first dog I ever pet in my life or even came that close to. The most surprising thing for me was that she did not lunge at me or even bark.  She was still and quiet. I was expecting a lot of movement but she was so calm and I was surprised at how soft she was. Just as I was starting to breathe and let the nerves out, one of my friends intentionally jumped out at me! I jumped and screamed but Bella… laid there.  She was perfectly fine! Unaffected by our antics, she didn’t even bark!


On Friday, I went again and this time, I was willing to approach the great dane named Leto.  On the first day, I was so scared just because of her majestic size.  She weighs 120 lbs, the size of many Hayden students!  I almost let my fear get the best of me but then, I mustered up all the courage that I had and when up to her. I soon realized she was big but not scary. She even seemed to like me. Her ears felt like velvet.  She laid down on her back exposing her belly so I gave her a belly rub and she just laid there… doing nothing. I could feel my fear melt away.IMG_20150623_081910

Honestly, Bella, Leto, all the St. John’s dogs are so different. It is obvious that they are trained to be nice, quiet and calm. If you are scared of dogs, you need to go see them when they return during exams next year!  Surprising to me, I am looking forward to seeing them again!IMG_20150623_085804 A special thanks to the each of the gracious owners who got up early to share their pets with us and of course, to our guests of honour: Leto, Chica, Denver, Charlie, Bella, Demi, Lexie and Dudley. Much appreciation goes to Cory for helping our Hayden staff organize this event.

The dogs joined our little library patrons for Baby Rhyme Time!

Hayden Cricketer Makes All-Star Team

Making Hayden Proud!
Shaheer Izhar Is Making Hayden Proud!

On June 19th, 2015 Toronto Mayor John Tory announced the 12 member All Star GTHA school cricket team at a City Hall press conference in Toronto. Making the the 12 member GTHA All Star cricket team is Hayden’s own, Shaheer Izhar.

Hayden was recently informed by Michael Lam, Chair of CIMA (Chartered Institute of Management Accountants), that cricketers representing School Boards from Hamilton to Durham will be traveling to Sri Lanka under the CIMA Cricket Across the Pond (CAP) Program this summer. Mr Lam tells us that, “CAP provides young cricketers with opportunities for social cohesion, interaction and cross cultural learning and the program has won international awards for youth engagement.”

With the help of his teammates and Coach Sutherland, Shaheer has also helped to raise the awareness of the game as one of the founding members of Hayden’s first ever cricket team. Mrs. MacRae, teacher-librarian at the school, said that “Shaheer is a conscientious and diligent person.  We are all very proud of this accomplishment and know he will represent our school and our country with dedication and pride!”

Congratulations and best of luck, Shaheer.


Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar. Every day of this month Muslims fast (no eating or drinking) from sunrise till sunset. Ramadan to muslims is a time to purify the soul, refocus on god and practice/ learn self-sacrifice. It isn’t just about not eating or drinking. It is about making peace with those who have wronged us, clean up our feelings, thoughts and quit bad habits. The Arabic word for “fasting” is Sawm which literally means “ to refrain” not only from food and drink but from evil action, thoughts and words.

Ramadan in the streets creates an incredible feeling of warmth and happiness that is undeniable. When you see the streets decorated with special lantern called “Fanous”,you feel like everything just lightens up literally and figuratively. The Fanous can be lit by candles that are put inside it or just electric ons with a plug or batteries, The Fanous comes in different sizes and shapes from cartoon characters to just shapes that light up.Then paper cut outs in the shapes of crescents, triangles and other shapes that get hung up on the streets. Light bulbs in different colours and arrangements light up the streets. Before muslims start fasting, they usually eat to fuel up and people might be asleep before the sunrise so there is person who is called the “drummer”. That person is just someone who volunteers to get a drum from somewhere and go make noise in the streets an hour before sunrise so people can wake up. It is really fun because sometimes people go down and start singing songs that sound really good. Ramadan this year starts on the 18th of June and every year it moves up on the calendar by approximately ten days. Ramadan karim!image image image image image image image image image

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