You know, if the fact that you walk into a school that says Hayden on it every morning wasn’t enough.
You know, if the fact that you walk into a school that says Hayden on it every morning wasn’t enough.

1. You don’t bring pens to school. Ever.

You rely on the internet to remind you what pens even are.
You rely on the internet to remind you what pens even are.

2. You know the difference between a black and silver chromebook.


And more than once you’ve gotten to school early, just to get a black one.
And more than once you’ve gotten to school early, just to get a black one.

3. All of your spare change goes to your slushie/popcorn/grilled cheese fund.

Feeeeeeed me.
Feeeeeeed me.

4. You’ve been a zombie at one point, or you hope to be one.

Mr. Mitchell, is that you? *cue the sock throwing*
Mr. Mitchell, is that you? *cue the sock throwing*

5. Your teacher could be mistaken for your friend.

Mr. Hogan, we're looking at you.
Mr. Hogan, we’re looking at you.

6. You know what it means when someone says “the caf cookie epidemic of 2015”

"This makes me a whole different kind of sad" (picture and quote credits to Haley Hinds!)
“This makes me a whole different kind of sad” (picture and quote credits to Haley Hinds!)

7. What’s paper?

This is paper.
This is paper.

8. If you want to know what’s going on, you check Twitter.

If it's not on Twitter, it's not happening.
If it’s not on Twitter, it’s not happening.

9. At least once you’ve ran out of class to get a booth in the library.

If you say you haven’t,  you’re lying.
If you say you haven’t, you’re lying.

10. Dr. Frank is your idol

Seriously. Look at those dance moves!
Seriously. Look at those dance moves!

Post by Sherina Harris and Mikaela Bellamy