Switching Schools by Janna Abdelaziz

A message to the Grade 8s coming to Hayden,

A picture of Grade 8 May Day.
A picture of Grade 8 May Day.

Switching schools is difficult. Imagine leaving everything you know and going somewhere completely different. You have to adjust to the new surroundings. Maybe there would be new rules and most importantly, new friends. When you leave your old school, you are basically getting out of your comfort zone which it is always hard. First of all at your old school, you pretty much know everyone! Maybe some are friends but then there’s those people you just interacted with but when you switch schools, it is like you have to start over again from kindergarten especially if you spent a long time at your old school.

 The first day you may not even want to go to school because you don’’t have friends waiting for you there.  You might be scared that you might embarrass yourself somehow. Then you will have to adjust to your surroundings. This might seem silly but think about it-  everything in a new location and you may worry that you will get lost (A LOT!). You may even discover that when you are looking for the room number, you have already passed it- two or three times and you didn’t’ even notice! Yikes but there is nothing you can do about it.  You just have to walk around the school once more.

 But here’s my advice, stick with it! Don’t give up because one day it will get better. You will suddenly realize that you know some awesome new people.  You will make new friends! You will stop getting lost and you will have a good time in your new school. The most important thing is to approach your change with a positive attitude and be open to new things because you may not even know what is the best thing for you and who knows- it might even be in this school, who knows?