History was made today at Dr. Frank J Hayden when we got our first ever gender neutral washroom sign to be used by people who identify as any gender.  This sign represents a step in the right direction because it represents our ability to be inclusive to people of all identities.  It’s also a good symbol to represent the importance for everyone to recognise and appreciate the different genders (such as bigender and agender) as well as the comfort level of transgendered people who may not be fully comfortable with their gender identity.

As for the sign itself, it features a gender neutral logo which is used to represent transgender equality or genderqueer awareness. Of course it also has the logo of our school board symbolizing their full support of this inclusive thinking.  The washroom that the sign will be put on is on the main floor near the guidance office and the main office, and it will be accessible to any and every student who wishes to use it.

This sign is a step in the right direction to full gender awareness and acceptance throughout our school and hopefully throughout the board as well.  In humble conclusion, a wise person once said: “Gender is a spectrum, not just male or female; a range of expression, not defined by body parts; a personal identity, not defined by chromosomes.”
~Priya Vanoosterhout, Dr Frank J Hayden Positive Space Club

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