There are many things that can seem difficult about graduating high school, and choosing your grad quote shouldn’t be one of them. That being said, many students are indecisive about their quotes. There are a lot of viral yearbook quotes floating around the Internet that increase the pressure of having a “perfect” yearbook quote.

If you’re struggling to find your graduation quote, read on for some tips and tricks from members of Hayden’s Writing Club. Use this form to submit your quote. They’re due no later than December 1st.

When picking your graduation quote…

Do be authentic and be yourself. You want people reading your quote to recognize that it sounds like something you would say.

As per usual, Drake nails it. Source

Don’t be provocative for provocations sake, and don’t make your quote something you wouldn’t want to be accountable for.

Do use appropriate language so that you don’t regret your quote in ten or twenty years.

Don’t let this be you. Source

Don’t forget to give credit where it is due. If you are quoting someone (a real life person, a television character, an author), include their name!

Do be memorable. Let your quote reflect the legacy you want to leave behind.

You may not be Beyoncé, but your life still means something. Source

Don’t feel pressure to be funny. If you can make people laugh, that’s great – but if you can’t seem to find a humorous quote, try settling for making people smile. There are so many other things your quote can be, besides funny: try being inspiring, thought-provoking, or positive.

Do look for inspiration in your passions. Your favourite books, movies, and tv shows offer tons of great one liners and quotes – not to mention all of the potential quotes in song lyrics!

When in doubt, look to Harry Potter for inspiration. Source

Don’t be cliche. Even if you truly believe that people should shoot for the moon because if they miss they’ll land in the stars, some quotes are overused and don’t reflect an individual’s true personality.

Do show how much you’ve grown since you entered high school. If you regret your grade 8 graduation quote, this is your opportunity to turn things around.


Don’t feel like you can only submit a quote. You can also submit sayings, expressions, or your dreams for the future.

Do use the Internet to look for inspiration. You can find great examples of what to do (and in some cases, what not to do).

Yes, Gregory, that is generally how it works. Source


So what are you waiting for? Submit your quote here. How will you be remembered?