Looking for something to do over the Holiday break? Look no further! Hayden’s Writing Club has compiled a list of fun things to do!

  • Walk around Lakeshore and check out the beautiful light festival!
  • Make hot chocolate (with whipped cream and marshmallows, obviously) and binge watch Netflix (try Jessica Jones!)
  • Have a marathon of the older Star Wars movies before you head out to watch the new one!
  • Go to bulk barn to gather ingredients for trail mix; then go on a hike on the Bruce Trail!
  • Check out the new Phantom of the Opera play!
  • Have a board game night with friends: or make a quiz on the Quiz Your Friends website and see how well your friends know you!
  • If you have Wii Fit, put on the Lord of the Rings soundtrack and have a sword fight!
  • Make a list of tv shows and movies from your childhood and have a nostalgia marathon!
  • Go on the Volunteer Halton website and find a Holiday volunteer opportunity!
  • Try a jigsaw puzzle with your friends – or put one out on your table, and have each guest who visits your house try to help solve it!
  • Choose on YouTuber and watch all of their videos!
  • Go to Toronto and wander around Kensington Market, or check out new exhibits at the ROM!
  • Go to Spencer Smith Park to see the fireworks on New Years Eve!
  • And, if all else fails… get an early start on studying for exams. Your January self will thank you!