
The Hayden Howl

By the Huskies for the Huskies



Come Cheer For The Hayden Cheer Team

When you think of a cheerleaders, you probably think of a bunch of girls with pompoms on the side of a field, cluelessly cheering about football. That’s fine, but is not quite accurate. Taking that image, replace the pompoms with weights, the field with a fitness room and the clueless expression with looks of utmost determination. Now this image is more accurate to the Hayden Huskies Cheer team.

The team was chosen in September after a round of tryouts and includes 22 hard working individuals. They are no longer a group of individuals however but a team, bonding over the love of a sport.

cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerFor the first 6 months of this year, the team trained hard 4 hours a week lifting weights, doing cardio, cheering and practicing dances. In February, they moved over to a rented gym space and began to practice stunting and preparing for competition.

This competition in question will be held on May 23rd at Wonderland. The team, lead by Mme. Monzavi will present their routine that they’ve been practising since almost February. We encourage Hayden students to come out to the park for the day to help support the team!

Book Review: The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

The circus arrives without warning. No announcements precede it. It is simply there, when yesterday it was not.”

The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern is a beautifully written standalone novel about illusions, passion and one fierce competition. This competition has two opponents who have trained their entire lives for victory. The catch? Neither of them know what the challenge is or who the other person is. The book spans decades about their lives and the infamous Cirque de Reves (Circus of Dreams), the competition venue.

cappppppptureThese two opponents in question are Marco and Celia. Both were born with extraordinary powers of magic. Both are skilled in illusions. Both are very lonely and have been isolated from the world to train with their respective masters. Both are unknowingly drawn to The Cirque de Reves that Marcos’ master insisted on creating to be a venue for ultimately display this showdown.

Within the black-and-white striped canvas tents in an utterly unique experience full of breathtaking amazements. It is called “Le Cirque des Reves’ ,and it is only open at night.”

Through a twist of events, Celia comes to work at Le Cirque des Reves. Here she meets Marco and they begin to fall in love. Neither of them realize who the other person is or why they are subconsciously attracted to each other.

Even though the book takes place over decades, its a quick read. Not because the book is low on content but because the content is so mesmerizing its hard to put down. At the same time, it is a book that leaves you with a lot of thoughts afterwards. “How far will we go to pursue our dreams?” and “What will we do for love” are two questions subliminally discussed throughout the book.

The book is not, as described on its back cover “A passionate love story.” Love is a concept explored in The Night Circus, but it is far from the main point. You could even go as far to say its a modern fairy tale, fit for all ages. I would recommend this book to all ages and to anyone who enjoys a novel with fantastical elements and an overall theme of mystery, misconception and magic.

By Caliesha Harris

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