
The Hayden Howl

By the Huskies for the Huskies



Holiday Break Activity Ideas!

Looking for something to do over the Holiday break? Look no further! Hayden’s Writing Club has compiled a list of fun things to do!

  • Walk around Lakeshore and check out the beautiful light festival!
  • Make hot chocolate (with whipped cream and marshmallows, obviously) and binge watch Netflix (try Jessica Jones!)
  • Have a marathon of the older Star Wars movies before you head out to watch the new one!
  • Go to bulk barn to gather ingredients for trail mix; then go on a hike on the Bruce Trail!
  • Check out the new Phantom of the Opera play!
  • Have a board game night with friends: or make a quiz on the Quiz Your Friends website and see how well your friends know you!
  • If you have Wii Fit, put on the Lord of the Rings soundtrack and have a sword fight!
  • Make a list of tv shows and movies from your childhood and have a nostalgia marathon!
  • Go on the Volunteer Halton website and find a Holiday volunteer opportunity!
  • Try a jigsaw puzzle with your friends – or put one out on your table, and have each guest who visits your house try to help solve it!
  • Choose on YouTuber and watch all of their videos!
  • Go to Toronto and wander around Kensington Market, or check out new exhibits at the ROM!
  • Go to Spencer Smith Park to see the fireworks on New Years Eve!
  • And, if all else fails… get an early start on studying for exams. Your January self will thank you!

Book Review: The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

The circus arrives without warning. No announcements precede it. It is simply there, when yesterday it was not.”

The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern is a beautifully written standalone novel about illusions, passion and one fierce competition. This competition has two opponents who have trained their entire lives for victory. The catch? Neither of them know what the challenge is or who the other person is. The book spans decades about their lives and the infamous Cirque de Reves (Circus of Dreams), the competition venue.

cappppppptureThese two opponents in question are Marco and Celia. Both were born with extraordinary powers of magic. Both are skilled in illusions. Both are very lonely and have been isolated from the world to train with their respective masters. Both are unknowingly drawn to The Cirque de Reves that Marcos’ master insisted on creating to be a venue for ultimately display this showdown.

Within the black-and-white striped canvas tents in an utterly unique experience full of breathtaking amazements. It is called “Le Cirque des Reves’ ,and it is only open at night.”

Through a twist of events, Celia comes to work at Le Cirque des Reves. Here she meets Marco and they begin to fall in love. Neither of them realize who the other person is or why they are subconsciously attracted to each other.

Even though the book takes place over decades, its a quick read. Not because the book is low on content but because the content is so mesmerizing its hard to put down. At the same time, it is a book that leaves you with a lot of thoughts afterwards. “How far will we go to pursue our dreams?” and “What will we do for love” are two questions subliminally discussed throughout the book.

The book is not, as described on its back cover “A passionate love story.” Love is a concept explored in The Night Circus, but it is far from the main point. You could even go as far to say its a modern fairy tale, fit for all ages. I would recommend this book to all ages and to anyone who enjoys a novel with fantastical elements and an overall theme of mystery, misconception and magic.

By Caliesha Harris

WINTER: Predator and Prey

When this season hits,

We elaborate on ideas that we see fit.

There are deluges of snow that settle upon the cold, blunt ground,

And chunks of hail that crash around.

There are certainly days that make our bodies feel immensely numb,

And days where we feel like we just want to run.

It’s harsh climates can trigger our emotions,

While causing extensive driving commotions.

Winter is not that bad,

It doesn’t always have to make us mad.

It can give us small purposes in life,

Like shoveling snow late at night.

But the snow is melting from Spring’s glow,

Goodbye Winter, were done with the cold.

– Khalil Kain

Drugs Suck

I’ve heard of drugs destroying the great minds of our generation,

Inflicting and encouraging addiction in our nation,

Death and regrets follow along this obscure path,

Which turns us youth into psychopaths.

Killing and antagonizing the faces of our future,

While enduring the destruction of cerebral mankind.

The one they call “crack” is distinct in looks,

Then you have marijuana, methane, and probably coke,

These matters of illegal chemistry and botany have tricked the decisive and mental instincts of the adolescent age.

But the main unfortunate problem is that the persistent flames of these deceiving narcotics can’t seem to burn out.

– Khalil Kain

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