
The Hayden Howl

By the Huskies for the Huskies

Grade 10 Computer Science Students Work Hard and Play Hard

Thanks to Ms. Bokhari for submitting this write up and these photos!

Grade 10’s Celebrate the end of their Final Performance task by playing computer games! For their final performance task, they were to create a game using one of the software programs/languages that we used in class. For them that would have been either Scratch or Turing. As you can see they created a range of games from complicated “Solitair”, to an all hand drawn “jelly fish” game where the mother jelly fish is protecting her young, two versions of pong, “War” card game, space invaders, quest based games, rapping, jeopardy, simon says, car racing, frogger and the list goes on… check out their games in the photos below!


cs13 cs12 cs11 cs10 cs9 cs8 cs7 cs6 cs5 cs4 cs3 cs2

Hayden’s Senior Athletes of the Year

Hard work pays off. This is a philosophy that grade 11 students Abby Berendt and Sean Whalley embody. Both students are dedicated athletes, each playing three sports at Hayden this year (basketball, soccer, and volleyball for Abby and football, hockey, and lacrosse for Sean). Abby and Sean’s leadership, positive attitudes, and work ethic paid off on the field, ice, and court, and led them to become Hayden’s Senior Athletes of the Year!

“I’m very honoured to win it,” Abby says of the award. “I just really love playing sports.”

“It’s a great feeling to be recognized,” Sean adds.


Managing sports, academics, and other commitments isn’t easy, but both student athletes have found ways to make it work by handing in work on time, and taking advantage of in class time to work on assignments. These time management skills have allowed Abby and Sean to dedicate more of their time to being on the court and field.

These student athletes love donning their Hayden jerseys. “I love representing my school,” Abby says, and Sean adds that spirit days and days when people come out to the games are a lot of fun. One such spirit day occurred in fall 2013, when the Hayden junior boys football team made it to the Halton championship – an incredible accomplishment for the school’s first football team.

With no grade 12s to help out, “I was a little skeptical going into it,” admits Sean, who played on the team. “But we had a really good program, and we had committed players who worked hard.” The team’s efforts paid off, as they won the championship!

Both Abby and Sean encourage Hayden students to get involved in athletics next year. “Any athletic program that you could join at Hayden is gonna be well run, and well coached,” Sean enthuses. “The school supports all of its sports teams; you’re gonna have a lot of fun.”

“You’ll regret it if you don’t join the team you wanted to,” he adds.

“If you’re scared about missing class because of joining a course, don’t be!” Abby says. “All of the teachers are understanding, and they give you extra time to work on things so that you can be successful.”

Abby and Sean will represent Hayden on Tuesday, June 16th at Burlington Sport Alliance’s recognition dinner. On behalf of all Hayden students and staff, congratulations to Abby and Sean for being Hayden’s Senior Athletes of the Year, and congratulations to everyone who participated in Hayden’s athletics programs this year. Go Huskies!


IMG_20150603_142402What do Gordon Ramsay, Jamie Oliver and Hayden Huskies have in common? They can all fire it up when it comes to great food!

Food and Nutrition is no cookie-cutter of a program. In fact, Foods has become a popular course at Hayden covering topics that appeal to today’s teens like body image and fad diets. The actual course heats up with the Iron Chef Performance Task with cooking teams facing off in a tantalizing and in some cases, searing competition. Students in the Foods program have also contributed by baking goods for school-wide events like Multicultural Day. Earlier this year, the Bake Club, a spin-off of the Foods course, provided students with homemade gingerbread houses for decorating at one of the Library’s Twisted Tuesday evIMG_9449ents.

Now you have probably tasted cinnamon toast at some time or even topped your latte with it but have you used cinnamon with pork or chicken? For the Iron Chef competition, student teams plan, shop and make their own dishes. Nearly everything is from scratch, including the ice cream. Students work in teams and are given one secret ingredient; this time the feature item was cinnamon. Each team of foodies had to prepare a full menu incorporating the secret ingredient into one savoury and one sweet dish.

Meals were then presented to a panel of hungry judges from Hayden’s staff. Meals are evaluated on their complexity, originality, display techniques known as plating and of course, taste! Judge Beltran commented that “the students found innovative ways to use cinnamon on dishes I would’ve never imagined, and made it work!” Ms. Ciccotelli reports that her students were exhausted but “loved the competition.”

Throughout the course, Ms. Ciccotelli says she tries to instill a love for food and its presence in her students’ lives: “Practicing to cook makes permanent, not perfect! The more practice you put into the kitchen, the better your results will be each time. Try new recipes, taste new foods and explore options on restaurant menus. Food is awesome!” Judge Kanis would agree that Ms. Ciccotelli’s classes have the right instructional recipe. In a note of gratitude, she noted, that “your passion and talent made its way into all of your dishes and eventually into our bellies.”

Some would say,“All you need is love. But [the judges would agree] a little cinnamon now and then doesn’t hurt.”IMG_9372

Hayden Staff Shows Heart!

Hayden staff show Heart!

Did you know that 80% of heart disease is preventable? 1.6 million Canadians live with the effects of heart disease and stroke and that as a result, 70 000 people die each year- that’s one person every seven minutes! Well Hayden staff did their part in helping to support the Heart & Stroke Foundation.

Under dark skies and threatening clouds, an enthusiastic Hayden staff showed they can “RIDE BIG. LIVE BIG” when all 29 riders laced up their running shoes and took to the road to raise funds for the Heart and Stroke Foundation. After limbering up at East Side Mario’s who sponsored the event, riders took their big seats on the BIG BIKE.


Listening to old-school tunes and decked out in their Hayden gear, staff peddled down Appleby Line circling up through to Corporate Drive. Motivated by honking cars, cheering spectators and Hayden’s own students, staff rode to raise over $3000.

BIG THANK YOU to Hayden’s own business manager, Mrs. Sue Lamarre for organizing the fun and to all the participants and sponsors for their support.


Learn more about the Big Bike at:

H&S heart

Unveiling Shteen

Hayden students may know him as a singer, songwriter, rapper, musician or maybe even a rugby player. His friends will tell you that he’s easy-going and talkative but did you know Reshteen Weera is the inventor and producer of a clothing line called Shteen? Reshteen’s first project is inspired by the Toronto Raptors’s slogan We The North.

Being “north” has proud connotations. It has come to mean being clean, beautiful, growing, and free – being in the north is where everyone wants to be. Reshteen was looking for a slogan that represented his hometown. In street terms, North End Freedom represents Burlington, a clean, beautiful city that embraces its citizens and allows them to enjoy a free and easy life.

Reshteen created his first design by developing the lettering and art work using his home computer. This idea sprouted from his love of music and his desire to share with his friends at Hayden. “I always wanted to make t-shirts but this is the time to get going because I want to promote my music. It’s a crucial time.”

So far, he has made 15 t-shirts and sold 8 in his first day of sales. Additionally, some customers have asked for some custom orders. Looking ahead, Reshteen hopes his awareness of today’s teen will help him build a side business that has staying power. “It’s what kids today want especially in the urban hiphop market- comfortable shirts with positive messages.”

IMG_20150608_092416Currently, Reshteen is working on developing a new slogan for Got Swag, Hayden’s school store. “We need to update the language. Something that represents kids now.”

Our Very Own Entrepreneur at Hayden 

The powerful path being forged by grade 11 Bryanna Samayoa founder of Limitless Apparel begs a crucial question for any young entrepreneur: “What can’t I do?”

“It was originally wanting to just make art and take photos,” Bryanna confessed. “I didn’t know how to share it with people yet but then I realized I love clothes and fashion! So combining the two would be perfect and it has worked really well so far.” And it has worked really well so far! With multiple sales from her peers, Bryanna’s influential accomplishments are sweeping the school.

It all began when Valentine’s Day was around the corner and Bryanna wanted to do something personal for her boyfriend. She came up with a drawing: the next question was how she was going to present it. She decided to put it on a sweater for him. After she made his she made a couple for herself, and when she got compliments and questions about them in the hall she got inspired.

Bryanna gives credit to her family and friends for helping her get to where she is now. Bryanna knows she will always have the support of her family. “They made me believe what I was doing was possible and not a goal too far to reach” Bryanna also strongly believes that having the right friends in your life is plenty of motivation to make your dreams become bigger and bigger. “Anybody who has ever told me that what I’m doing is cool or anyone who has given me even the slightest positive feedback has helped give me that little bit of motivation and has helped me continue doing it,” she says, proving what a huge impact a small compliment can have on another person.

“I guess I’ve always wanted to be good at singing or dancing and to be able to go on stage so I can show everyone my talent and I discovered that seeing people wear my designs is kinda like being on stage,” Bryanna expressed how positively she feels when she sees people wearing her shirts, “It’s an uplifting feeling to have my art be seen.”

When asked what she likes about being an entrepreneur Bryanna revealed her love for being in charge of her own decisions and being able to chose what direction she wants to go in. “I like being in charge of my own successes and/or failures.”

Bryanna Samayoa is just another #HaydenInspiration showing that you should never give up on what you really want to do. Where there is love and family – and there is at Hayden – you can do anything.


Hayden Leading Gender Acceptance

History was made today at Dr. Frank J Hayden when we got our first ever gender neutral washroom sign to be used by people who identify as any gender.  This sign represents a step in the right direction because it represents our ability to be inclusive to people of all identities.  It’s also a good symbol to represent the importance for everyone to recognise and appreciate the different genders (such as bigender and agender) as well as the comfort level of transgendered people who may not be fully comfortable with their gender identity.

As for the sign itself, it features a gender neutral logo which is used to represent transgender equality or genderqueer awareness. Of course it also has the logo of our school board symbolizing their full support of this inclusive thinking.  The washroom that the sign will be put on is on the main floor near the guidance office and the main office, and it will be accessible to any and every student who wishes to use it.

This sign is a step in the right direction to full gender awareness and acceptance throughout our school and hopefully throughout the board as well.  In humble conclusion, a wise person once said: “Gender is a spectrum, not just male or female; a range of expression, not defined by body parts; a personal identity, not defined by chromosomes.”
~Priya Vanoosterhout, Dr Frank J Hayden Positive Space Club

gsa pic

10 Things Future Huskies Should Know

Are you coming to Hayden in September, and curious as to what you should expect? Look no further than this post! Here, straight from the mouths of Hayden students and staff, are 10 things future Huskies should know:

1. Hayden has a unique energy that makes it an awesome place to learn.

We do super fun things like school-wide lip dubs!
We do super fun things like school-wide lip dubs!

2. Our teachers are fun, understanding, and want to see you succeed.

These are some of our math and science teachers. They’re awesome at teaching, and also great at synchronized walking.
These are some of our math and science teachers. They’re awesome at teaching, and also great at synchronized walking.

3. Hayden has tons of clubs and teams – get involved!

Basically your reaction looking at the list of clubs and teams.
Basically your reaction looking at the list of clubs and teams.

4.On the first day of school, you will have an amazingly fun day with your Link Crew group and senior student leaders.

These are your link crew leaders! You will have 2-3 leaders and a group of other grade nine students, so you can meet new people and make lasting friendships!
These are your link crew leaders! You will have 2-3 leaders and a group of other grade nine students, so you can meet new people and make lasting friendships!

5. Hayden is a 21st century learning school.

Students are encouraged to bring their own  tech to use in class! Laptops are also available to loan out from the library.
Students are encouraged to bring their own tech to use in class! Laptops are also available to loan out from the library.

6. However, you can totally make paper work if you want!

If you like paper as much as this cat does, then feel free to bring it! Whatever helps you learn best. (No textbooks and less binders - your backpack will thank you.)
If you like paper as much as this cat does, then feel free to bring it! Whatever helps you learn best. (No textbooks and less binders – your backpack will thank you.)

7. You’re going to love the school campus!

On the left is the Haber community centre, then the Alton Branch of the Burlington Public Library, and then Hayden. Chill spaces are located throughout the campus! You’ll soon find your favorite one.
On the left is the Haber community centre, then the Alton Branch of the Burlington Public Library, and then Hayden. Chill spaces are located throughout the campus! You’ll soon find your favorite one.

8. Classes start at 8:40 and end at 2:50.

Time flies when you’re having fun! Lunch is an hour, and you can bring your own food, buy something from the caf or community centre, or go out for lunch.
Time flies when you’re having fun! Lunch is an hour, and you can bring your own food, buy something from the caf or community centre, or go out for lunch.

9. Try hard in your classes!

Working hard throughout the semester pays off at exam time! There’s always extra help if you need it; all you have to do is ask! (And FYI, sleeping in class isn’t usually a good idea).
Working hard throughout the semester pays off at exam time! There’s always extra help if you need it; all you have to do is ask! (And FYI, sleeping in class isn’t usually a good idea).

10. We’re all super excited to meet you in September!!!!

Coming to Hayden will open the door to your future. You will make friends and memories that will last a lifetime! GO HUSKIES!
Coming to Hayden will open the door to your future. You will make friends and memories that will last a lifetime! GO HUSKIES!

3 Things for Burlington Youth Volunteer Opportunity

Are you a student interested in new volunteer opportunities? Look no further than this great opportunity to be part of a youth committee guiding a project called ‘3 Things for Burlington’. Project planning started in March, and the words below were crafted by one of the steering committee members.

“Modelled after the City of Calgary’s 3 Things for Calgary initiative, 3 Things for Burlington was made to create a city wide movement of 3 random acts of kindness, ranging from walking your neighbor’s dog to even starting up your own project. This project is being steered by youth from all around Burlington in an effort to unify and spread the word more efficiently. With great joy and work we hope this city wide movement will help with community building and creating a positive impact on any Burlington citizen.”

Youth on the committee have already had several exciting experiences: crafting a mission statement and goals for the project, presenting to Mayor Rick Goldring on 3 Things for Burlington, and informing City Council about the initiative at City Hall.

Steering Committee members will have the following opportunities to earn volunteer hours:
•         Attending monthly Steering Committee meetings
•         Talking to groups and individuals from their school and community about the project
•         Taking part in presentations to City Council, and Burlington citizens about 3 Things for Burlington, and involvement in            organizing a professional media launch
•         Writing/blogging short stories on the 3 Things for Burlington website

The next meeting will be on Thursday, June 30th from 7:00-8:30pm. In the programming room of the Tansley Woods Library Branch. Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to get volunteer hours and make a difference in your local community!

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